Open All-Ukrainian Competition
young musicians "STEP TO SUCCESS"
Request to participate.
Surname and first name of the participant: _________________
Date and place of birth: ___________________________________
Music education (class, educational institution (full name)):
Teacher (last name, first name, patronymic):
Creative biography of the participant:
(participation in competitions, prizes, awards for the last 3 years)
Place of residence ____________________________
Home address (index) _______________________
Contact phone ____________________________
Teacher's contact phone ____________________
Email: ____________ Viber / WhatsApp _________
Web link to video
Contest Program
(Indicate the nomination, age category of the participant, surname and name of the composer, title of the work, timing.)
Nomination _______________________________
Age category _____________________________
And the round
1 .________________________________________
2 .________________________________________
Total minutes _______
Round II
1 .____________________________________
2 .________________________________________
Total minutes _______
I am familiar with the terms of the Contest and agree to abide by them.
Send the application and necessary documents to E-mail: