Odessa Art School № 11
Odessa Art School № 11
pedagogical council of KZPSO "MSh №11 Odessa"
Protocol of 31 August 2020 № 1
by order of the director of KZPSO "Art school № 11 Odessa"
from September 1, 2020 № 31
Developed on the basis of "Typical secondary education program
(basic) sub-level of primary art education from
music art of primary professional orientation,
instrumental classes (piano, violin, cello, harp,
flute, clarinet, saxophone, xylophone, trumpet, bandura,
cymbals, guitar, domra, accordion, electronic keyboards
(synthesizer), electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, drums,
others), approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine
dated July 23, 2019 № 562.
Developer: О.Р. Lazareva, Deputy Director of KZPSO
"Art School № 11 Odessa", specialist in higher
category, teacher-methodologist
1. General
1.1. Characteristics of the educational program and its purpose
1.2. Normative term of study
1.3. Requirements for persons who can start studying in this educational program
1.4. Forms of organization of the educational process
1.5. Occupancy of groups
1.6. Monitoring and evaluation of student achievement
1.7. Resources to ensure learning outcomes
2. Normative learning outcomes and content
3. List of educational components: normative content of education 3.1. Planning and organization of the educational process
3.2 Planning the study of academic disciplines within the variable component
4. Tools of the internal quality assurance system of the secondary (basic) level of primary art education
4.1. Tasks of the system of internal quality assurance of education
4.2. Staffing of educational activities
4.3. Educational and methodical support
4.4. Logistics
4.5. Quality of training sessions
4.6. Compliance with the law on the conduct of the educational process in the state language
4.7. Monitoring students' achievement of learning outcomes (competencies)
Educational program of secondary (basic) level of primary art education in music art of primary professional orientation, instrumental classes, piano, violin, cello, flute, clarinet, saxophone, bandura, balalaika, guitar, domra, accordion, accordion, synthesizer, electric guitar , shock) (hereinafter - the educational program) is a document that defines the general regulatory content, basic principles and approaches to the organization of the educational process, the purpose of training, the list of educational components (disciplines and control measures), their logical sequence and ensures that students acquire the required learning outcomes (competencies) in the art of music.
The educational program is designed to implement Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On Education", Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On Extracurricular Education", the Concept of Modern Art School, approved by the order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine from 20.12.2017 №1433.
The normative content of primary art education, defined by this educational program, is the minimum necessary for the acquisition of competencies of the secondary (basic) level of primary music education of professional orientation.
Mastering the program allows you to:
- to continue further acquisition of professional music education in the system of professional higher education or at the advanced level of primary music education (if available);
- apply the competencies (knowledge, skills, abilities, understanding, attitude) acquired in the process of learning in everyday life to meet the aesthetic needs of the individual, including through individual artistic and creative performance.
The educational program is developed on the basis of the standard educational program, contains the normative maintenance (educational components), volume, competences, results of training provided by it.
The educational program defines the types of training sessions, forms and means of current and final control and recommendations for their implementation, as well as general approaches to assessing the level of achievement of mandatory learning outcomes by students. This educational program of the art school of music, instrumental classes specifies these positions, taking into account the needs and capabilities of students. A component of the educational program of an art school is a curriculum, which is developed for the entire period of study according to the program and contains all the educational components provided by it with the ability to realize the variability of the content of education.
The purpose of the educational program is to generalize and systematize the normative content of education in a logical sequence for students to achieve certain normative learning outcomes through the use of a set of musical and pedagogical methods, approaches and tools.
The educational program is based on the following principles :
- coordination of goals, content and expected results;
- accessibility and practical orientation of the content of education;
- continuity and prospects of training;
- logical sequence of mastering the content and adequacy of the amount of education and educational components for students to acquire normative learning outcomes;
- providing opportunities to adapt to individual characteristics, needs and interests of students.
The purpose of mastering the normative content of the program - formation of theoretical, practical and performing competencies in music and instrumental art of the initial professional level, motivation to continue artistic education at the next level / sublevel, as well as personal artistic performance experience.
Achieving this goal involves performing the following tasks :
- formation of basic professional musical and performing competencies through playing a musical instrument, development of performing techniques and skills of artistic and figurative performance of musical works; - improving the use of the language of musical art as a system of means of expression, their conscious application during the performance of musical works of appropriate complexity;
- mastering the repertoire of program works of prominent representatives of Ukrainian and world music, awareness of their artistic content and aesthetic significance;
- formation of a stable ability to harmonious interaction in the creative team during the joint (collective) music;
- development of motivation for independent learning of art, creative development by involvement in listening, studying and performing musical works of Ukrainian and world heritage.
The normative term of study in the educational program is 5 years for students who started studying at the age of 10-11 (fifth grade of secondary school). Children under the age of 10-11 on the 1st of the current school year may begin primary art education in the same school year.
In the case of enrollment in the educational program of students older than 10 (11) years (fifth grade of secondary school), the duration (in years) of mastering the educational program (regulatory period of education) may be reduced by no more than for 2 years, if it is due to the need for further admission to the institution of professional higher education. In other cases, the art school may develop a separate educational program.
Persons with special educational needs may also receive primary art education at the secondary (basic) level under this educational program. The duration of mastering the educational program by students from among persons with special educational needs is determined by the individual pace of acquisition of relevant competencies and can be increased.
The main form of obtaining primary art education in the educational program is the full-time form. In case of quarantine related to the spread of dangerous mass diseases, classes can be held remotely. Taking into account the capabilities and needs of students, including those with special educational needs, it is allowed to organize the study of certain disciplines, of which individual classes (lessons) are provided, according to the home form of education.
Requirements for persons who can start training in the educational program. To start training in the educational program in music, instrumental classes at the middle (basic) level can be a person who demonstrates the presence of competencies of elementary level in music art of the relevant specialty. The educational program of the art school specifies or determines other requirements for entrants.
The total minimum normative amount of study load per one student for the entire period of study at the secondary (basic) level (5 years) in instrumental classes is 2140 hours at the rate of 35 study weeks per year; of them for 1-2 years of study - 630 hours (average 9 hours per week per student), for 3-5 years of study - 1510 hours (average 10 hours per week per student).
The main form of organization of the educational process is a lesson - individual or group. Forms of organization of the educational process can be clarified and expanded in the content of individual disciplines and should not be an obstacle to the implementation of the requirements for educational outcomes defined by the educational program (standard). Forms and methods of teaching, types of lessons and other educational activities the teacher can choose independently, taking into account the specific working conditions and while ensuring that students acquire the competencies defined by the curriculum in certain disciplines, and reflects them in their own curriculum.
Occupancy of groups for conducting group classes in academic disciplines is:
• "Solfeggio" - 6-8 people;
• "Music Literature" - 6-8 people;
• "Instrumental ensemble" - from 2 to 12 people (according to the composition);
• "Orchestra" (orchestra groups) - an average of 6 people (according to the composition);
• "Choir" (choir groups) - 8-10 people.
In case of impossibility to form a group due to insufficiency or excess of the contingent of students in relation to the specified standards, the deviation in the filling of groups in one direction or another is allowed by no more than 20%. In case of a significant excess of the contingent (over 20%), the division into groups of the total number of students in the respective year of study is carried out according to the smaller values.
Monitoring and evaluation of students' academic achievements is carried out on the basis of systematic monitoring of their individual development in the learning process. The purpose of control is to find effective ways to achieve the learning outcomes of each student.
During the training, school-age students, with the assistance of teachers, improve skills of self-control, self-reflection and self-assessment, which is manifested in the student's own responsibility, interest development, timely detection of gaps in knowledge, skills, understanding, attitude and correction.
Requirements for expected learning outcomes and student competencies are used to organize continuous monitoring of academic progress. Assessment of academic achievement is carried out both for individual tasks and for progress in mastering the discipline as a whole.
Forms of current and final control are used to assess the level of student achievement (normative learning outcomes).
Current control is carried out by each teacher during the school year based on the results of mastering the modules of each discipline in order to quickly monitor the effectiveness of student learning and adjust the pedagogical techniques and methods applied to him / her by the teacher. The frequency and timing of current control are determined by the working curriculum of the discipline. The final control is carried out at the end of each year of study in the form of annual control measures, which include learning outcomes for all components provided by the educational program, within the disciplines defined by the curriculum of mandatory learning outcomes.
At the end of the fifth (final) year of study, the final control over the results of mastering the educational program is carried out:
1. "Musical instrument" - in the form of an exam.
2. "Solfeggio" and "Music Literature" - in the form of a comprehensive exam with a creative task.
3. "Choir" / "Instrumental ensemble (orchestra)" - in the form of a public collective performance.
Based on the results of the final control in the fifth year of study, if the student achieves the learning outcomes provided by the educational program of the art school, he / she is issued a certificate of primary art education of secondary (basic) level of primary professional orientation (certificate of completion of art). schools).
To determine the extent to which students achieve the results of secondary (basic) level of primary art education, a point assessment is used, which involves setting points (grades) in digital (numerical) expression.
Scoring involves the division of results into 4 levels:
1. Initial (1-3 points)
2. Average (4-6 points)
3. Sufficient (7-9 points)
4. High (10-12 points).
Forms, types, content and timing of current and final control of students' academic achievements are specified in the standard and working curricula of disciplines.
Assessment in the fifth year of study involves comparing student achievement with the specific expected learning outcomes identified by the art school curriculum and the curriculum of the disciplines mastered by the student.
Students who have achieved the learning outcomes defined by the art school curriculum may be recommended for further music education in the system of professional higher education or at the advanced level of primary art education (if available).
To ensure the educational results of students in the educational program, art schools are equipped with the necessary mandatory tools, educational equipment and other resources in accordance with the profile and direction of work on the standards in accordance with the Standards material and technical support of art schools, approved by the order of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine dated 19.06.2014 № 475 (as amended).
Mastering the normative content of education in the educational program involves achieving the following mandatory learning outcomes:
Type of competence | Content (goals) of training | Expected learning outcomes |
1. General integrated competence |
Steady interest in the art of music, its knowledge and practical mastery. Independent mastering of educational material of appropriate complexity (according to software requirements). Objective self-assessment of one's own creative results. Ability to further study and master artistic practices. |
Shows a strong interest in the art of music, seeks to constantly expand and improve the acquired skills and abilities. Demonstrates mastery of the program repertoire. Independently performs educational tasks, analyzes and memorizes program music. Objectively evaluates the results of his educational activities. With understanding treats remarks, is able to correct mistakes. Participates in student competitions in his specialty. Ready for professional higher art education. Communicates in the state language in a group, group, with a teacher (accompanist). |
2. Musical-performing competence |
Development and improvement of technical capabilities executive staff (according to the curriculum). Formation of developed musical thinking in the process of performing intonation of a musical work in accordance with the author's intention. Performance of works of different genres of the corresponding level of complexity with conscious coordination of their technical and artistic components. |
Demonstrates a well-organized and well-developed performance apparatus while playing the instrument. Demonstrates a culture of sound production, sound production and conscious intonation based on constant auditory control. Demonstrates the proper level of performance technique. Embodies the artistic image of a piece of music with a conscious and consistent use of certain means of musical expression. During the game he demonstrates an understanding of the stylistic features of the work through appropriate emotional inclusion and performance technique. Performs works of different nature, genre, form with a conscious coordination of their technical and artistic components (within the limits of the curriculum of the discipline "Musical Instrument"). |
3. Theoretical and practical competence |
Conscious perception of works of professional musical art of different epochs and musical folklore. Improving the terminological vocabulary of the student in the art of music. Analysis of the means of musical expression and structural elements of musical language in order to comprehensively develop musical hearing and further conscious performance of musical works. Improve the use of music language tools. |
Knows prominent representatives of Ukrainian and world music of different epochs (their creative portraits, brief overview of works, some significant works), shows understanding of the connection of their work with the historical epoch and general features of artistic style (baroque, classicism, romanticism, modernism, modernity). Understands the artistic expressiveness of musical works through theoretical and practical mastering of basic elements of musical language: is able to terminologically define, build, intone, play an instrument, determine by ear and analyze frets, intervals, chords, rhythmic figures, structural elements of musical language; is able to distinguish and determine the musical size, tempo and dynamics; has the technique of conducting in simple and complex sizes (within the limits provided by the curriculum of the discipline "Solfeggio"). Has an idea of the tonal system of music (quarto-fifth circle), transposition. Has the skill of singing notes from a letter. Can record a monophonic melody (familiar and unfamiliar) of the appropriate level of complexity. Shows understanding of the features of different musical genres and forms, is able to give examples from the works of Ukrainian and foreign composers. Has the basics of elementary analysis of a musical work (determines the character, artistic images of the work, records their changes throughout the work; determines the mood, key, studied intervals, chords, texture; musical forms). Demonstrates creative skills: creating a melody using certain features (mood, key, rhythmic pattern, intervals, chords, genre features, etc.), a second voice or undertone, harmonic accompaniment; selects melodies by ear, writes a two-part dictation. |
4. Competence of collective interaction in art. |
Performance of program works in ensemble, orchestra, choir. Awareness of the role and responsibilities of each team member in achieving a common result. |
Performs program works in a team (ensembles, orchestra, choir) with students of their own or other specialties; is aware of the general artistic image, the nature of the musical work and the role of a separate performed party in the joint result of collective music making. Coordinates and coordinates own performance with other members of the ensemble. Demonstrates an understanding of one's role in the executive team and personal responsibility for the overall performance. |
5. Competence in public musical performance |
Culture of public art performance; concentration, positive mood, confidence in accordance with the concert communicative situation. Willingness to speak to the audience, the desire to demonstrate their own performance. |
Adheres to stage culture in behavior and appearance. Demonstrates performing skills on stage, enthusiasm for the performance process. He confidently performs in front of an audience, has artistic freedom and the ability to demonstrate performing emotions in accordance with the artistic image and the author's intention of the musical work. Has stage endurance, in case of error does not lose control of the situation and continues to perform. |
The specific expected learning outcomes of students in individual educational components are determined by the curricula of disciplines.
The normative content of the educational program combines the educational components of the invariant and variable components, which are equally mandatory for inclusion in the student's curriculum and constitute a single set of educational components, the mastery of which ensures the achievement of normative learning outcomes.
The invariant component is the minimum normative component, which is not abbreviated and covers the full range of educational components defined by a typical educational program.
The variable component is aimed at providing an individual approach, including individual pace of education, deepening professional competencies, ensuring the right to choose educational components in accordance with the interests and needs of the student and is used for:
- introduction of electives, elective subjects that expand competencies in the chosen student's specialty;
- strengthening the disciplines of the invariant component;
- rehearsals, preparation for competitions, other public performances, creation of concert programs, etc.
The distribution of hours of the variable component is carried out annually by the pedagogical council of the art school and is reflected in the working curriculum.
The following educational components are required for the secondary (basic) level of primary music education (in instrumental classes) (at the rate of 35 academic weeks per academic year):
Name of the educational component | Minimum workload per student for the entire period of study, hours * |
Invariant component, total | 1510 |
Musical instrument, total | 455 |
in 1-2 years of study | 140 |
in the 3-5th year of study | 315 |
Solfeggio | 262.5 |
Music literature | 262.5 |
Choir / instrumental ensemble (orchestra) | 525 |
Variable component, total | 175 |
Total amount of study load per one student for the entire period of study according to the standard educational program (5 years), total | 1680 |
in 1-2 years of study | 630 |
in the 3-5th year of study | 1050 |
* The set number of study hours is calculated for each student who studies in the educational program and is the minimum amount required to master the content of education defined by the educational program.
The number of teaching hours determined by the educational program of the art school is the basis for calculating the concertmaster hours, which are planned according to the needs of the educational process for lessons in the disciplines "Musical Instrument" (except musical instruments: piano, harp, synthesizer, bandura, accordion, accordion, guitar), "Choir", "Instrumental ensemble (orchestra)" (for each group), the relevant disciplines and forms of work provided by the variable component.
The number of concertmaster hours to ensure the educational process is determined by:
- not more than 100% of hours of classroom individual lessons (lessons) provided by the working curriculum (for each student) and in cases provided by the curriculum;
- not more than 100% of classroom hours (lessons) provided for in the working curriculum (for each group of students);
- not more than 100% of the hours provided for the study of disciplines of the variable component: the second musical instrument, rhythmics, instrumental ensemble, staging of concert numbers.
Planning and organizing the educational process.
The educational program of the art school and the curriculum placed in it detail the content and structure of the educational process.
Curriculum of the educational program KZPSO "Art School № 11 m. Odessa" in music, instrumental classes piano, violin, cello, flute, clarinet, saxophone, bandura, balalaika, guitar, domra , accordion, accordion, synthesizer, electric guitar, drums.
level of education - primary art education
(initial professional orientation)
sublevel - average (basic),
term of study - 5 years
Courses (educational components) | Number of teaching hours per week (total hours) by years of study | Total hours | Form of final control at the end of the program | ||||
1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | 4th year | 5th year | |||
Musical instrument | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 455 | Concert performance-exam |
Solfeggio (group lessons) | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 262.5 | Comprehensive exam-interview with creative task |
Music literature (group lessons) | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 262.5 | Public Collective Examination |
Instrumental Ensemble (Orchestra) / Choir (Collective Music) | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 525 | According to the curriculum |
Elective course * and / or other forms of work ** | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 175 | |
Total hours per week | 9 | 9 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 48 | X |
Total hours per school year | 315 | 315 | 350 | 350 | 350 | 1680 | X |
* approximate list of elective subjects: second musical instrument, reading notes from a letter, etc.
** approximate list of other forms of work: rehearsals, staging of concert numbers, solo singing (for bandura class), etc.
The curriculum indicates the disciplines, the teaching of which requires the accompaniment of an accompanist, and indicates the features of the calculation of the study load.
Based on the curriculum, art schools compile a working curriculum for each academic year, which is the basis for calculating the number of pedagogical (teaching and concertmaster) hours and rates required to implement their own educational program of the art school. The logical sequence of study and the specific content of educational components is revealed in the curricula of relevant disciplines. The working curriculum indicates the disciplines of both invariant and variable components by the joint decision of the relevant participants in the educational process.
The full value of primary music education at the secondary (basic) level is ensured by the implementation of the normative content and the amount of educational workload provided by the standard educational program.
Planning and organization of the educational process according to the working curriculum should work to create the most favorable environment for students, taking into account their age, level of psychophysiological development and compliance with sanitary norms.
All students of primary music education at the secondary (basic) level must acquire the competencies of collective music provided by the educational program within one of the disciplines:
• "Instrumental ensemble (orchestra)" - for students whose specialty is one of the orchestral instruments;
• "Choir" - for other students.
As part of the study of the discipline "Instrumental Ensemble (Orchestra)" planning of the educational process for students specializing in orchestral instruments may take the form of playing in a permanent ensemble / playing in ensembles of different composition / playing in an orchestra (if available ). The form of collective music-making is chosen in such a way as to ensure the development of the student's professional skills as much as possible.
When choosing the form "playing in ensembles of different composition" and / or "playing in an orchestra", the distribution of hours provided for the study of the discipline "Instrumental ensemble (orchestra)" is carried out by dividing the discipline into modules that are implemented during the entire period of study. Training using such forms can last for different periods: six months, a year, a year and a half, two years (depending on the learning objectives). In this case, each module can correspond to one ensemble.
The decision to divide students into groups of collective music is made collectively by teachers of disciplines in the specialty, "Instrumental Ensemble (Orchestra)" and "Choir", taking into account the desires, interests of students and opportunities of art school.
Planning the study of academic disciplines within the variable component.
The distribution of hours provided for the implementation of the variable component of the educational program is carried out depending on the pedagogical goals set by the teacher and the approaches of the art school to the organization of the educational process as follows:
1) Introduction of electives, electives that expand the competencies of the chosen student, etc.
In particular, the recommended electives, electives are: improvement of technical skills, basics of improvisation, basics of composition, basics of arrangement, elementary music theory, harmony, instrumental ensemble, vocal ensemble, concert performance, solo singing (for bandura class) especially recommended), stage speech, basics of conducting, second musical instrument, etc.
The amount of hours for study and the sequence of teaching electives and electives is determined taking into account the feasibility and ensuring that the student achieves the necessary additional learning outcomes. 2) Planning weekly or collectively once a month or every six months for rehearsals (including consolidated ones), preparation for competitions, other public performances, creation of concert programs, etc.
When allocating the amount of training load for the purposes specified in this paragraph, it should be borne in mind that the total amount allocated may also be divided into parts by type of activity.
The entire redistribution of hours is recorded in the working curriculum, which is approved annually by the director of the art school. To do this, all disciplines of the variable component are specified in the left column "Academic disciplines" with the definition of the appropriate number of hours for their study. If the hours of the variable component are distributed to strengthen the discipline of the invariant component, these hours are added to the standard number of hours provided by the curriculum for the discipline. If a certain amount of training load is directed to rehearsals, preparation for competitions, etc. and is planned collectively (once a month or every six months), this amount is indicated in the far right column of the curriculum "Total hours".
The task of the internal quality assurance system of primary art education at the secondary (basic) level involves the implementation of the following procedures and measures:
- improvement of educational activities, which contributes to the growth of a positive image of the school;
- updating the methodological base of educational activities by monitoring and periodically reviewing the educational program, including curricula of disciplines, criteria for assessing student achievement, assessment tools and methods of demonstrating learning outcomes, teaching materials, library funds of the art school; - control over the implementation of educational curricula, the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, the development of recommendations for their improvement;
- annual assessment of the educational process in each discipline by students, their parents or other legal representatives based on the results of a voluntary survey;
- preservation, and if possible, increase the number of students;
- creation of necessary conditions for raising the professional qualification level of pedagogical workers;
- ensuring the availability of necessary resources and information systems for effective management and organization of the educational process according to the educational program;
- providing public coverage of information about the educational activities of the art school;
- monitoring and optimization of the socio-psychological environment of the art school (control and current adjustment of teacher-student interaction in the organization and provision of the educational process);
- creation of an effective system of prevention and detection of academic plagiarism in educational and methodical, scientific works of employees of art schools and students;
- other procedures and activities.
Requirements for the internal quality assurance system of primary art education consist of the following components:
Staffing of educational activities. The following criteria are based on the formation of the system of selection of pedagogical staff: professionalism, appropriate professional education, availability of pedagogical and creative abilities, internal need to improve their professional competence, high moral qualities and professional ethics.
The position of a teacher, accompanist can be held by a person who has a professional higher (secondary special) music education or higher music education, the appropriate level of professional training, appropriate pedagogical qualifications that can ensure the effectiveness and quality of their work, physical and mental health. which allows you to perform professional duties in the institution.
Educational and methodological support. Availability of a set of methodological materials necessary for the educational process: educational (educational) program (programs), curriculum, working curricula, training programs, working curricula of teachers, repertoire lists, etc., which correspond to the content of the educational program, textbooks, educational, teaching aids, author's methodical developments, methodical recommendations, individual tasks, collections of situational tasks (cases), computer presentations, illustrative materials , phono- and video textbooks, reference and other educational literature in accordance with the content of educational programs, complexes for control measures (for theoretical disciplines) and methods and criteria for assessing student achievement.
Logistics. Availability of appropriate premises (educational building) for the educational process with the necessary set of basic technical means, musical instruments, equipped classrooms (classrooms) for the collective music making, premises for pedagogical workers, office and auxiliary premises, which are provided with educational and office furniture, computer equipment, musical instruments, equipment and software, the use of which involves academic disciplines, as well as auxiliary (sanitary) premises and facilities.
Quality of educational classes. Monitoring of educational and methodical level of educational classes by the teacher, analysis of efficiency of use of existing and introduction into educational process of various modern art and pedagogical methods, approaches and tools.
Implementation of legislation on the conduct of the educational process in the state language. Implementation within its powers of implementation of legislation on the comprehensive development and functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language during the educational process, ensuring maintenance of documentation, registration of visibility, organization and carrying out of creative actions, celebrations, registration of classes by inscriptions in the state language in art schools.
Monitoring students 'achievement of learning outcomes (competencies) - continuous monitoring of students' learning outcomes, their prediction and adjustment based on their pedagogical methods and techniques for students to master the competencies necessary for achieving the educational goal.
Monitoring studies of student achievement at school level are conducted through current and final quality control of knowledge acquisition, recommendations for their implementation and provide for the collection of primary data, analysis and evaluation of student achievement (learning competencies), formation and maintenance of databases, tasks, tests, speeches, other tools to assess the quality of educational activities of the art school and determine the quality and effectiveness of teachers.
Analysis of the monitoring results makes it possible to monitor the status of implementation of the goals of primary art education of secondary (basic) level, make the necessary pedagogical decisions in time to master the normative content and improve the quality of educational services by art school.
Monitoring students 'attendance at classes provided by the curriculum and completion of a full course of study - a system of measures to control students' attendance, implementation of curricula and educational program of primary art education secondary (basic) level with the use of various methods and forms of increasing students' motivation to study, which is carried out in order to ensure the constitutional right of citizens to obtain and complete a full course of study in an art school.
This educational program and curriculum is published on its own website: muzshkola11.com.ua